December 31, 2019
December 31, 2019


Sherlin S

Assistant Professor, St. Xavier’s College of Education (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Knowledge Based Education can only be transferred to our younger generations but Value Based Education can transform them. India is the seventh biggest country in the world by area and India’s higher education system is the third largest in the world.Due to the revolution and explosion of science and technology, changes and development happens in everywhere and everything except morality. Education without value is not only useless but also very harmful. Values are the beliefs about what is right, what is wrong and what is important. But Attitude influences an individual’s choice of action and responses to challenges, incentives and rewards altogether called stimuli. This paper describes some of the important values that have to be vitalized along with the expected attitude change in the higher education institutions, which includes attitude towards students enrolment, attitude towards quality of education, attitude towards training of teachers, and attitude towards self-respect and a desire to respect others. By establishing these types of values and attitudes will create an open institutional climate in the higher education institutions. It will promote and sustain the value based attitude among students cluster and help them to lead their social life with harmony and peace, which is anticipated as happier and successful.


higher education, attitude generation, standards, values.


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To cite this article

Sherlin, S. (2019). Vitalizing Attitude Loading Using Educational Standards (Values) in Higher Education Institutions. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 2(4), 39-44.

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