December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023


*Gaurav Kumar, **Asif Akhtar, & ***Gireesh Chandra Tripathi

*Faculty of Management Studies & Research, Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. India.

**Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration & Faculty of Management Studies & Research, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. India.

***Director General (Academics), NTPC School of Business, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. India. 


The paper analyses trends in gross and net non-performing assets of Indian banks with a focus on energy sector in India. It also conducts an overview of growing trends in energy consumption, demand, supply and capacity addition since the 8th plan (1992-97) period. We examine the expected energy demand and capacity addition requirements up till 2027, that leads to expected investment requirements for the energy sector which is mainly financed through the financial sector including banks in India. This is a definition paper which is exploratory interpretative in nature where conclusion is stated based on review of supporting data, reports and literature reviews and lists some factors that cause NPA’s in Indian banks. It concludes that the level of NPA’s of energy sector is alarming and the expected investment requirements in this sector are very high. In light of the changing financial system in India, the fact that effective remedial measures and safeguards to reduce and contain stress and NPA’s of energy sector can be formulated only after understanding the significant factors causing them. There is an urgent need to strengthen the financial sector, by research, to bridge this knowledge gap.


infrastructure, energy sector, non-performing assets and project finance.



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To cite this article

Gaurav Kumar, Asif Akhtar, & Gireesh Chandra Tripathi. (2023). Non-performing assets and expected investment for capacity addition in energy sector of India – Trend analysis. John Foundation Journal of EduSpark, 5(4), 11-31.

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