March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020


Devarshi Modi

Research Scholar, Gujarat  University. Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.


The present paper is a study of Raj Rao’s major work and the first novel of Indian history to be dealing with the homosexual subject matter. The chapter is a detail analysis of all the aspects of The Boyfriend through the lens of the theory of Gay writings. Here in the present chapter attempt is made to study the book from the theoretical perspective of Foucault, Kofesky, Diana Fuss, and McIntoshe. R. Raj Rao one of the leading gay right activist of India. A writer of Poems, Short stories, fictions as well as Plays, Serving at the University of Pune. He has presented the number of papers at national as the well international level at various places. When The Boyfriend Came out front has created quite a stir and became topic of talk for various magazines as a guide to the then underground gay subculture Bombay. It is being used as a model for LGBTQ studies in Indian Research forum. They were used to projects certain dominance over women that is why they were used to call or famously known as a patriarchal. They were having an image of torchbearers of patriarchal society. Alternate masculinity’s present in India as a closed entity. The fear of discrimination and rejection has never approved this community for public appearance. They have two-dimensional identity crisis one with themselves and others with society. Having realising different or homosexual tendency of their nature they have to first accept themselves as their ancestors have presented cis gender.


LGBTQ, masculinity, society, cis gender, homosexuality, indian history.


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To cite this article

Devarshi Modi. (2020). ‘The Boyfriend’:  A Narrative of Inclusion and Search for Identity. John Foundation Journal of EduSpark, 2(1), 19-37.

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